Monday, January 11, 2010

Silence .::. Colaboración de aniversario

El blog Esta boca es mía cumplió un año más, y decidió solicitar contribuciones, pero de una manera particular.. tomar un fragmento de texto que la autora dejó inconcluso, y terminarlo reutilizándolo. Esta es mi colaboración para el evento... una breve prosa con ondas poéticas. Jo! Poesía yo! En fin, la verdad me gustó el experimento. Pongo en itálicas el texto original.



On nights like this you should think twice before saying anything...

You shouldn't break the peaceful silence that surrounds us with the first thing that comes to your mind, words might break the spell that leaves me staring at your eyes...

On nights like this, words do not bring us closer, but shatter the intimacy that flows, that entangles us both, intimacy that fuses our souls more any sound could ever express. On such a night, my silent self reaches out, trying -however futile it might seem- to comprehend the value of a moment, the diamond of a tear, the silver of a smile. On this, of all nights, my soul is bare, my skin is radiant, my hands dare not defend, but caress... dare not protect, but expose...

On nights like this, all I wish for is that sacred silence that will tell me, above all, that you understand me, love me with such passion...

Still, you speak.


Espero comentarios a mis breves devaneos literarios...

1 comment:

Jacka [Killer Queen] said...

Aunque suenes sorprendido, la verdad es que este es un remix maravilloso que me gustó muchísimo-

¡Gracias por participar! =D

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